Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Story of Alkanaur

The story of Alkanaur is set in a good-vs-evil, gods-vs-gods, mystical, industrial, and chaotic world. However, despite these multiple aspects vying for attention, the characters are what ultimately drive this adventure onward. Almost everyone will find something relatable in the courageous, jealous, isolated, selfless, and eccentric personalities that will surface as the story unfolds. Characters will evolve and ideologies will clash in the epic story of Alkanaur.

As the main developer and artist (I should also say an amateur artist) on this project, and as a first time game developer, I’ve come to understand that a lot of work goes into the production of even a seemingly simple game such as this demo. While it might be of interest to some to thoroughly explain the process, I won’t bore everyone with the details. In fact, I’ll probably write only a little. Hopefully the images and occasional banter will prove entertaining for some.



Clarion is the main character. In the words of Skye (our designer and writer), here is a brief description of her.

Clarion values independence, but also is very loyal to friends and family.  She has no strict code of morals, and she doesn’t love rules either.  Still, she generally will do the right thing and strives to always help others, even when it isn’t convenient.  She has a love for adventure and has always wanted to leave Ithaca (her island hometown) and see what’s out there.  She’s not overly pious, but she’s always tried to be respectful to the gods, just in case.

Clarion’s father has recently contracted a rare plague that is draining her family’s resources.  Her mother wants her to help with the family business, but Clarion knows that the money probably won’t be enough.  Also, working every day with her mother seems like a nightmare to her.  She decides to start a merc company and head for the mainland to make more money for her family.  That way she can have her freedom, see the world, and help her family.

Concept art (in relative chronological order)

One of Clarion’s main skills is her summoning ability. Knowing this will help you make sense of some of these pictures. 


More words from Skye.

Runic is the quintessential “gentle giant.” Most of the time. He cares for others and will often get himself into trouble by sticking up for those in need. He is easily offended and does not take criticism well. He will not usually speak unless asked a direct question. Runic strongly believes in the new Roman Order because he has seen how unfair the meritocracy system has treated him and others. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, even when he feels slighted or betrayed by them.

Runic was born with no magical powers at birth, which is considered a curse by the gods in this world. Large in stature, he performed physical labor from a young age to appease his parents, who detested him. With the onset of puberty, he started to develop strange runic markings all over his body that granted him some magical prowess. Thinking all his problems cured, he eagerly shared his magical talents with friends and family, but his issues only worsened. Any talents he had were considered impure and impractical, and he has been continually bullied and belittled all his life.

Concept art (again in relative chronological order)


Of all the characters that we have worked on so far, Slayer’s personality is the coolest to me. Maybe I’m just pessimistic like I imagine her to be.

Slayer is a rebel who hates being forced into anything. One of the only people she’ll listen to is Clarion, because of their friendship since they were young girls. She won’t go out of her way to hurt others, but she doesn’t feel many moral obligations either. She’s rude and belligerent, but her pointed remarks are usually correct even though they’re sharp in tone. No one would call her a pious or devoted worshipper of the gods, but she highly values the current Greek ideals of individuality, intelligence, and creativity.

Slayer’s family members are all very much like her, which has led to a rather dysfunctional family overall. Like Clarion, she is eager to get out of Ithaca and see more of the world. Eventually, she’d like to live in Athenia—the bustling Greek city—with enough money to open her own business. She is loath to admit such an ordinary dream, and hasn’t even told her closest friends about that. Slayer received her battle prowess from Marshal school, which was kind of like a private school except with an arena brawl at the end of every semester.

Concept art (I think I remember the order of these)

There are other characters in the mix and more general details that we will most likely reveal later, but for the sake of brevity, I will cut it short here.