Thursday, June 22, 2017

Indie Illuminator - Longsword Tabletop Tactics

I’ve likely put more hours into Heroscape than any other board game. And one of my favorite current hobbies—apart from game dev, of course—is painting miniatures.  Longsword Tabletop Tactics incorporates elements from both! You can check out the Kickstarter campaign here.

Gameplay gif found on Longsword's Kickstarter page
While our tactics game Alkanaur shares some design roots with Heroscape, the physical “miniatures” and hex-tiled battlegrounds of Longsword absolutely invoke that feeling of picking out a team from the available units in your collection and watching the battle unfold on the table. Each player summons units or casts spells turn by turn based on their available mana, and units move, use abilities, and attack based on a flexible action point system. Based on what I’ve seen in streams, it looks like units only have a few abilities each, but those abilities vary quite a bit.

Image found on Longsword's Kickstarter Page

Developer Zero Sum Games also includes a nifty unit-painting system that gives you a chance to adjust the hues of your armies and give them a more customized feel. It seems like a fun feature that adds to the collectible nature of the game. I’m excited to follow the development of Longsword and keep tabs on its progress. If you’re interested in the game, go ahead and check out their Kickstarter page to learn more about the game’s features, monetization strategies (they want to go free-to-play), and its crowdfunding backer rewards.

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