Thursday, May 18, 2017

Indie Illuminator: Guild of Dungeoneering

Dungeon crawls are the potatoes of fantasy games. They’re a staple. They’re comforting. They’re versatile. And just when you think you’ve tried every variety out there, a new type of potato dish or dungeon crawl emerges.

What’s a dungeon crawl? You’ll find them in video games, board games, and pen-and-paper role playing games.  The first example of a dungeon crawl might be the Greek story of the labyrinth, the deadly maze designed by Daedalus and inhabited by a grumpy Minotaur. Essentially, a dungeon crawl involves a group of adventures exploring an underground, maze-like structure full of traps and treasure. Oh, and goblins. Usually there are goblins.

Screenshot of Guild of Dungeoneering (found on the game's Steam page)

For this weekend you can try out a new potato dish for free on Steam: Guild of Dungeoneering. Apart from the unique art style, Guild of Dungeoneering adds some fun new gameplay changes to the traditional dungeon crawl, while incorporating aspects of tabletop RPGs, card games, and—of course—video games. Instead of controlling the hero, you build a dungeon around him or her, ensuring the right balance of challenge and reward. In between dungeon crawls, you help build up your guild of heroes with upgrades and new adventurers.

I’ll definitely be giving this game some time this weekend. If it sounds interesting to you, check out their Steam page for more details.

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