Thursday, May 25, 2017

Indie Illuminator - Retro Date Night

Today I’d like to do something a little different with the Indie Illuminator. Instead of spotlighting an indie game, I want to spread the word about a Twitch stream that deserves attention: Retro Date Night. The stream features a married couple playing classic games together, and you can expect wild voiceovers (probably my favorite part), good gameplay, and plenty of jokes.

So far, Retro Date Night has been playing Zelda games.

Retro Date Night started off with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and this Friday (May 25th) they’ll finish Majora’s Mask, the second playthrough in their series so far. They interact plenty with their audience on Twitch chat, so if you have a few minutes to spare, stop by their stream—they should be starting around 10:00 EST on Friday—give them a follow, and say hi. You can also watch recorded episodes right on their Twitch videos page or their YouTube channel.

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